Daniels v Canada Supreme Court Ruling of 2016
Association des Acadiens-Métis Souriquois (AAMS) Members (from left to right) Paul Tufts, Alyre Theriault, Seb Malette and Joseph Jacquard at Seb Malette's talk about Acadien-Métis history on the Eastern Coast held at Dalhousie University in the Spring of 2016.
The Supreme Court Ruling: Daniels v. Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Development), 2016 SCC 12:
The history: Treaty of 1725 with tribes of Nova Scotia, some New England areas:
About the ruling:
Dr. Sébastien Malette, Assistant Professor - Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, speaks about the ruling - in plain, constructive language for the everyday Acadien-Métis. The proof: Dr. Sébastien Malette cites proof of Acadien-Métis in Eastern Canada in a video taped seminar.
About Métis in Eastern Canada:
At Sessions @Schulich, March 8, 2016, Schulich Law's Daphne Williamson and Professor Sebastien Malette debunk the myths concerning the existence of legimate rights-bearing Acadien-Métis and other unrecognized Aboriginal communities in Eastern Canada. The tribute: The life and times of Harry Daniels Sept 16, 1940 - Sept 6, 2004
Regional availability only: "Daniels v. Canada: The Struggle of the Métis" Réalisateur: Caroline Leal
Production year: 2016 https://www.tfo.org/en/universe/tfo-247/101045345/daniels-v-canada-the-struggle-of-the-metis
Production year: 2016 https://www.tfo.org/en/universe/tfo-247/101045345/daniels-v-canada-the-struggle-of-the-metis