![]() "Powley in Practice: Failing the Métis in the Maritimes" By Kirsten Marsh, University of Ottawa "Métis are often referred to as ‘mixed-blood’ because of their mixed Indian and European ancestry. But the Métis are as diverse as their Europeans and First Nations ancestors, each with unique history, culture, and language." By Vestra Vox Collaborator on May 15, 2017 ![]() "Qui est Indien?" "Depuis plus d’un siècle, le gouvernement du Canada décide qui est Indien et qui ne l’est pas, en fonction des parents. Le Sénat tente d’apporter des changements et le gouvernement Trudeau n’est pas content." Par Tamara Khandaker et Rhiannon Johnson juin 1 2017, 1:00 pm ![]() "Les Mi’kmaq (Mi’kmaw, Micmacs, ou L’nu, qui signifie « les gens » en mi’kmaq) sont un peuple autochtone faisant partie des premiers habitants des provinces canadiennes de l’Atlantique..." http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/fr/article/mikmaq/ News and Reflections: Sex-based discrimination to be removed from the Indian Act -- November 8, 201711/22/2017
![]() "After 141 years, Liberals pledge to erase sexism from Indian Act" by Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail, Ottawa (November 8, 2017) ![]() Facilitated by Stephen Augustine, MA, Dean of Unama'ki College and Aboriginal Learning, and Hereditary Chief on the Mi'kmaq Grand Council, The "Learning from the Knowledge Keepers of Mi'kma'ki" series educates and informs the public about the history, culture, ceremonies, ways, and knowledge of the Mi'kmaq peoples. Based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations, the "Learning" series covers such topics as the Creation Story, oral traditions and history, governance, treaties, residential schools, health and well-being, and indigenous knowledge, wisdom and culture. Click here to view the videos: https://vimeo.com/151154267 |
March 2025