News and Reflections: Ancient eel-spearing gear close to home: "Nigogue" -- December 9, 202212/9/2022
The Acadians learned from the Mi'kmaq to use a nigogue. It is used to spear eels in the winter through the ice when the eels are buried in the mud. The photograph of a modern version of a nigogue was contributed by Association des Acadiens-Metis Souriquois First Vice President, Joseph Jacquard. Past President Paul Tufts offers the following linguistic origins for the word nigogue. Mi'kmaw word: "nikoq;" Acadian word: "nigogue;" French meaning: "lance anguille;" English word: eel spear. In Geddes, J. Jr. (1908). Study of an Acadian-French Dialect Spoken on the North Shore of Baie de Chaleurs. M. Niemeyer, we find the following definition of nigog: Referencing an article by A.F. Chamberlain that appeared in a 1902 edition of The Journal of American Folklore, "Algonkian Words in American English: A Study in the Contact of the White Man and the Indian," we find the Canadian French of the Maritime Provinces given as the origins of nigogue:
Link to: North American Review. 1830-01: Vol 30 Iss 66. "Haliburton's History of Nova-Scotia."
“The trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective. Exactly how they do this, we don’t yet know. But what we see is the power of unity. What happens to one happens to us all. We can starve together or feast together.” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
News and Reflections: "The Indigenous Origins of the Maine Lobster Bake" -- November 20, 202211/20/2022
Link to: The Maine Office of Tourism (Sponsor), Ranco, A.P. (2022, August 19). The Indigenous Origins of the Maine Lobster Bake: Indigenous writer, artist, and activist Ann Pollard Ranco holds a Wabanaki-led lobster bake to explore the provenance of an iconic Maine feast." Atlas Obscura:
March 2025