The AAMS 2022 AGM was held on Saturday, May the 14th, and began with a short prayer and ceremony led by AAMS Director Carl Deveau and Past President Paul Tufts. The meeting was attended by the AAMS directors, officers, and membership. This was the first AAMS AGM to offer remote public access over Skype. AAMS President Marcel Jean d'Entremont's presentation, given in French and in English, was followed by the acceptance of the minutes from last year's AGM, and the President's Report on AAMS activities. Next, Michael Deveau, AAMS Treasurer, shared the the AAMS Financial Statement which was followed by questions from the floor, and the election of AAMS directors and officers. AAMS Director Gaétan Dugas led the closing of this year's AAMS 2022 AGM.
From Joseph Jacquard, First Vice President, AAMS: "It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of a dear friend of AAMS; Thérese Lizotte of Montreal. I met Thérese in Oshawa at the home of Robert Pilon, when he was President of The Métis Federation of Canada (MFC). She travelled by train from Montreal to Oshawa to meet the two Acadians that were visiting.
In the picture below, on her sash, notice the AAMS embroidered logo I gave her. Being extremely proud of the AAMS logo she immediately pinned it on her sash and showed it to everybody. She was on the board of directors of the MFC, originally from the Manitoba Red River area and a proud supporter of Eastern Métis and especially Acadian Métis." Gaétan Dugas, AAMS Director, adds: "I met Thérése Lizotte in May the 15 , 2015 at Québec city . I went there , if you remember Joseph , to represent AAMS for the signature of a treaty between MFC and a different group of Metis association from the province of Québec . Sébastien Mallette was there too , and made a speech during the lunch time . Yes , she was a great person and I had a short conversation with her." To read the story, visit: The French Canadian Genealogist. "Jean Béliveau’s French-Canadian & Acadian Roots." Available on the Internet in English and French translations:
From AAMS First Vice President Joseph Jacquard: "Last evening [Wednesday, April 27, 2022] Dave Melanson gave a presentation to the Clare Garden Club on wild edible and medicinal plants. Part of his presentation was on Jerusalem artichokes. He had some on hand to pass around the audience for taste testing. Dave recommended not consuming too much Jerusalem artichokes because "they can be gassy." They are very similar to water chestnuts in taste and texture that I love. Today I did some further research on the internet and found the following; "John Gerard's book, The herball, quotes the English botanist John Goodyer on Jerusalem artichokes: "...which way soever they be dressed and eaten, they stir and cause a filthy loathsome stinking wind within the body, thereby causing the belly to be pained and tormented, and are a meat more fit for swine than men." -- 17 October, 1621. John Goodyer.
Link to: Boudreau, C., Lawless, J.M., Malette, S. (2018, March). "An Ethnographic Report on the Acadian-Métis (Sang-Mêlés) People of Southwest Nova Scotia"
March 2025