News and Reflections: "The Site of the Old French Settlement at Bay du Vin (1908) -- March 20, 20223/20/2022
Jack, D. (1908, July). "The Site of the Old French Settlement at Bay du Vin." Acadiensis, Volume VIII, July, 1908, No. 3. p. 171-174. From the text: "One of the most important of the Early French settlements of the North Shore was that at Bay du Vin."
Venez nous joindre! Come and meet us! Join us in celebrating the long-awaited reopening of the Acadian Memorial & Cultural Center Museums with special guest Cajun Astronaut Hayley Arceneaux from 5 pm to 8 pm on Friday, March 18, 2022. All are welcome.
For more info, visit: Acadian Memorial News and Events. A breath-taking picture of Acadian exiles in 1756 "An Act Disposing of the Acadians Now in Charles Town" is a one and one-half column article from the front page of the South Carolina Gazette newspaper edition dated July 22, 1756. This article is about exiled Acadians in South Carolina, with recommendations for their disposition and various restrictions as ordered "by His Excellency's Command," and offers a breath-taking picture of Acadian exiles in 1756, and how they were treated, specifically, that is difficult to find in anywhere in the world. Click here to read the article in PDF format. Note: Please use Adobe Acrobat magnification feature, or the CTRL + keys on your keyboard to enlarge the print.
"I wrote this story (The Crow) for "Anti-Bullying Day." People of all ages get bullied, but I chose to do something positive with an experience I had last week. The purpose of this story is to get people thinking and to ask questions. Feel free to share." --Randy Klein "Crow" ... by Randy Klein February 21, 2022 Hawk and Crow: Image remix credit: Rhododendrites, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Wolf: Gary Kramer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
News and Reflections: A mouth-watering topic: "The Untold Truth Of Cajun Food" -- March 6, 20223/6/2022
A mouth-watering topic (yes, "Cajun" food is THAT GOOD!):
"The Untold Truth Of Cajun Food" ... by Crawford Smith, Mashed (March 3, 2022). From the blog post: "The Acadians were just one of the groups who influenced what eventually evolved into Cajun cuisine as we know it." Read more: |
March 2025