"Tusket" Original photos of Tusket were graciously contributed by Joseph Jacquard. "Neketaouksit" From the Nova Scotia Archives, "Place-names and Places of Nova Scotia" (p. 688), we learn, "...the name, Tusket, evolved from the Indian name, Neketaouksit, meaning "a great, forked tidal river" To read the story of Tusket, and its original name "Neketaouksit," visit the Nova Scotia Archives, https://archives.novascotia.ca/places/page/?ID=688
Brown, T. J. (1922). Place Names of the Province of Nova Scotia (visit) https://archive.org/details/placenamesofprov00browrich/mode/2up is another go-to source for ancient place-names close to home. From this source we find, on page 147, "TUSKET (Y.) — This place derives its name from the Micmac Indian word "Neketaouksit" meaning "the great forked tidal river," and that Tusket Wedge was once called "Chebec." In the same source, we find that, historically, Tusket Island, in 1633, was called "Isles aux Tangneux" or "Gannet Islands." by Jean de Laite, and that the Indians referred to this place as "Aglassawakade," or "place of the English." It is further noted that "Tousquet" appears in in Rameau's history of the French colonies 1859 and that Tusket Wedge is known now as "Wedgeport." Comments are closed.
March 2025